Our Advantages

You don’t have to break the bank to restore broken, defective, or obsolete semiconductor equipment to like-new OEM specifications.

Submicron Technology  offers a better way to help customers minimize production equipment downtime, increase equipment performance, and reduce manufacturing and inventory costs. Instead of totally discarding defective or unsupported electronics and reinventing the wheel with brand new parts from the OEM, your legacy semiconductor equipment can be kept intact, sustained, and modernized by correcting design flaws, remanufacturing unsalvageable parts, and integrating newer-generation components.

Our Expertise

With nearly15  years of highly-specialized experience in semiconductor component-level repairs Submicron Technology has a huge array of diversified repair capabilities for all your repair needs, all under one roof. This stems from a global account base across tens of thousands of different parts. Our high-volume internal repair capability provides for excellent quality control and traceability, not to mention supply chain management.

Performance Excellence

Our integrated approach to organizational performance management is comprised of three integrated components; Lean Manufacturing and Total Quality Management (TQM), in which the Lean Enterprise System serves as the central organizing framework. The result is (1) delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders (organizational sustainability); (2) improvement of overall organizational effectiveness and capabilities; and (3) organizational and personal learning.

Our Facility

Submicron Technology Services semiconductor lab operations are set in a temperature-controlled, clean environment. When a defective part is shipped to our facility and we’ve determined the full extent of its damage, we move forward to ensure that when the repair process is complete, the repaired or remanufactured semiconductor equipment will always meet the same industry specifications for performance as new equipment, and it can even exceed the expected lifetime of the original part.

Efficiency - Performance Philosophy

Efficiency – Performance Philosophy  is a program that helps to improve the flow of product and information, through the application of visual tools and standard practices. Our motto is… “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” Our  efforts have not only led to higher workplace organization and flow improvements, but have also been a key ingredient to establishing a “Lean” culture, where continuous improvement (PDCA) is the mindset.

how can we help you?

Contact us or submit a business inquiry online.

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